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Second semester : 15,123words
BR 1-07: Black Beauty

Big Party!
I was organizer of this party. I gathered eighteen girls, Chiaki, Kaori, Marika, Airi, Risa, Yuki.G , Mai, Haruka, Rie, Saori, Yusa, Moe, Mami.K, Yuki.O, Hiroyo, Misato, Asuka and me. It is very big numbers! I have many friends. The work was very too hard, but Chiaki.O helped me. I appreciation her very much. This party's meaning is to try our best in sophomore. Eibei's second grade is hard so we needed to enhance friendship more. In the Nagare's atmosphere is like Bali, it is very exotic and we liked it! We talked about many things and took pictures. I know all members but before this party, there were girls who hadn't told some girl of the member. However when the party finish, almost girls became friends! This was one of the purpose. I'm very happy. There are girls who I still don't know well in Eibei, I want to be friends them, so if you are the girls please comment!haha
Actually we call "Ei-katsu" like this party and Eibei girl's activity, and next I'm going to hold party November when I come back from America for Foreign course. Next I want to hold party in Venus Cafe. Anyway we had very happy time! I love Eibei!:))
This is all member's picture.
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BR 1-06: The Fabulous Story of Fashion

Today I introduce this book “The Fabulous Story of Fashion”. I chose this book before I love fashion and this book cover is very interesting! There are three person and they wear different kind and era clothes. This story’s theme is history of fashion. Start is the primitive age and fashion of around the world is explained in it. In this book, a lot of fashion words are used, and I know someone. So I felt that fashion’s history is very long. I think we understand some their culture or life through look then fashion. For example difference by their position. It was very interesting. Old and contemporary fashion style is very different, but people’s love for fashion is same, I thought. I can’t understand some kinds of fashion, so I laughed. I especially want to wear French dress in 1890s, it use bodices which is like a corset and it is beautiful! The day may come now our favorite fashions are thought that is funny. But fashion repeats itself.
Reference: Katie.D (2006). The Fabulous Story of Fashion. Usborne Young Reading
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How I study English_week 6
I study English in college now. I receive many English classes, and they give a lot of homework to me. So it is hard and it is good for my study I think. When I was junior high school student, I studied very hard. Then I had an English words book, and it became old because I use too much. I'm good at Listening, but I'm not good at reading fast and grammar, so I bought an English novel for that. It is so long but I like the story's movie, so I'm looking forward to read it! My English is not good still but I like speaking and it is good for me!
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BR 1-05: Little Women
“And here’s a big Christmas present for the March family!”
They don’t have a lot of money, so they can’t Christmas presents but they had. What do you think is that? If you want to know, please read this. I recommend too this.
Reference: Louisa.M.A (2007). Little Women. Penguin Active Peading
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Reflections on my BRs
In the four books, I think "The Rat Hunt" is the best. Because its story is fun, cute and good story and this is kind of fiction story. Finally this is happy end story so I like.
The title is "The Rat Hunt", but its main is not hunting.
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Essay 1-02a: Enjoy KGU
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BR 1-04: Bad Love

The stage is in Denver, Colorado. Main character is Flick Laine who is a detective. One day a man dead. First, polices say that he killed by himself, but She didn’t think so, that is to say it was murder! This story stars from here. This book’s title is very important key word. On the opening page, there are Denver’s map and American map, I think it is interesting. However this was very easy for me to find the killer. So I don’t recommend you this book. Next time I want to read better story of mystery. If you know someone, please tell it me!
Reference: Sue.L (2003). Bad Love. Cambridge University Press.
My Golden week!!!
My GW plans_week4
Next I have part time jobs. I'm a wedding companion. The work is very hard, but I don't like it. I'm going to work in Hotel Castle.
Then, next is the biggest plan, I'm going to go to Fukuoka with my boyfriend. We will go to rock LIVE. We love this rock band. I have never been to rock LIVE, so I'm looking forward it, and this is our first trip.
On study, reading English books and posting three book review is my object. I don't like this Homework, but I should do it....I want to forget all homework during only Golden week!
Many fun things are waiting for me, but I'm sad because I don't have any plans with Eibei's friends. They are busy because they have part time job.
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