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Second semester : 15,123words
BR 1-13: Romeo and Juliet
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Essay 1-3b: Father's big Love
I watched movie: Mrs. Doubtfire. I rented it from TSUTAYA. I tell you this story. My interest in this movie is about “father love children” and “the way of protect children”.
Daniel is this story’s main character. He is very funny and cheerful man. He has a family, his wife, two girl and one boy. He loves his children very much. He worked as voice actor, but he quit because he and director’s idea was not much. He had repeated like this, so he doesn't have job anytime and he played with his children. His wife’s Miranda is not like this husband, so she is always irritated.
On his son’s 14th birthday, while wife is in company, he invited many children, brought petting zoo and made big sounds. Miranda received call about the ado and she was very angry. She went back home quickly, stop the party and she told Daniel that she want to divorce. The Courts doesn't allow Daniel parent’s right because he doesn’t have job and house for children live. He only allowed meeting his children every Saturday. He couldn't get it, because his children are his all. He loves them and children love him too.
He thought that how to meet his children. One Saturday, when he had dinner with children, Miranda came for them, she show Daniel an advertisement for home helper. He inspired the plan, so that plan is what he will be a home helper, and HER name is ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’. He good at voices, he can spoof woman. He asked Flank special makeup to be women. It succeeded brilliantly, and SHE was greeted by Miranda.
Mrs. Doubtfire did every home thing, serving dinner, bed making, reading books for child and cleaning house. She is very good home helper. One day, a man visits Miranda’s company as a client. He is Stewart, and he is her past boyfriend. Mrs. Doubtfire tried interfered Stewart and Miranda’s relation. And Daniel got new job in television station, as deliver man. His life was smoothly.
Though one day, Mrs. Doubtfire had to go restaurant with the family and Stewart for Miranda’s birthday dinner. The restaurant is Bridge. And Daniel had to dinner his television station’s president, this is one time chance for his success. The restaurant is Bridge too!! That is Friday 7 o’clock too, but he did it. Can you believe it? First he played HER in the family and next he change his clothes and face, he met his president. He alternated the changing. Unfortunately SHE came out HER identity.
He explained his feeling about love for his children in court. He did crazy action which he became Mrs. Doubtfire to meet children every day, but he has been crazy since when children born. So this action is not special. I think he lover children than Miranda; after all, he didn't any housekeeping, but after he became Mrs. Doubtfire he study hard cooking, sewing and so on. These are all for he keeps an eye on his children. His love is big, I feel.
While I watch this movie, I laughed many time. This is very fun, I felt Daniel’s love as father and I touched. Then I think his way of protect his children connect his love. So he did it. If you haven’t watched this even, I want you to watch it too!
(560 words)
BR 1-12: Stories of ghosts

Our original country_Speaking
I got a mail!
Last night, I send them first e-mail. Then Mrs. Marilyn replied this morning in Japan.
They have a daughter, Liz, and she is 20 years old. She is one year older than me.
They have two cats. I've never have cats but I'll like them surely.
I want to serve them Japanese dishes something, but my ideas are not enough.
Because I don't know what kinds of ingredient I can get in America.
I heard that Japanese seasonings are expensive in there. I am puzzled about what I cook.
Do you have any idea? Please tell me some ideas if you have.
Then I use Google Earth, and I searched my and my host family's house by it.
I saw my host family's house. I wanted to know the geography.
There are a lot of houses. I was very surprised, it is like Harry Potter's housing.
I'm looking forward to talking with my family, especially Liz!
For example about fashion, culture, love and more.
I send them my Facebook name, Skype ID, and this blog's URL.
I hope to contact them as soon as possible.
I hate them:)
In the subject: International Society and Japan, I must make 2,400 words in assignment.
I'll do my best for this summer vacation and staying in U.S.
(244 words)