Hello everyone. Our group researched about KGU student's condition of using mobile phone, and we asked 100 students 12 questions. Our group member is Yukino, Haruka and me Eimi, nice to meet you!
Our first question is "Do you have a mobile phone?". Of course, every student answered yes. It is because, mobile phone is very useful to contact with friends and now is Internet society, so everyone have mobile phone. Second, we asked "Do you have sub mobile phone?". 36 percent people answered yes. We are surprised at this high point. I have a sub mobile phone but Yukino and Hruka doesn't have, so this result in this group and our survey's result are just about same. Third question is “Have you ever broken mobile phone?". People who answered yes are 45 percent! It is about half, so we think this number is high. The most common cause is dropping into water, so you have to be careful too!
Fourth "Do you call your friends every day?". People who call their friends everyday is no more than 17 percent! Almost the people have sub mobile phone, and some people call her boyfriends. It's me too.
Fifth question is "Do you buy it by yourself?”. About thirty percent people answered yes. May be they makes the money by working in part time job. When we were high school student, it was impossible.
Sixth question is "What company have you contracted?". More than half of people have contracted to docomo. au and Softbank user amounts are just about same. Next question, "What type is it?". We provide four answers: normal, slide, smart phone and water proof. Just hulf of people answered 'normal', next is 'slide’ and next 'water proof' and last is 'smart phone'. Though smart phone is the latest type mobile, we think it would grow more now.
Eighth question is "What is your mobile phone wallpaper?". We found that 46 percent of people set Purikura on their mobile phone wallpaper. Students like taking Purikura with their friends. By setting Purikura on the wallpaper, they can remember their memory.
Ninth question is “Which Social Network Service do you use the best?”. More than half of people use mixi, next is other, next is Twitter and last is Facebook. In the world, Facebook is the most favorite though most people is supporting mixi in our colledge.
Tenth question is “What is the most favorite point on your mobile phone?”. Most people answered ’useful’ or ’design’ or ’color’. Other opinion is ‘mail’, ’shape’, ’language capacity’, ’music player’, ’application’, ’clear picture’, ’light’.
Eleventh question is “What do you think about filter of mobile phone?”. Do you know this? Filter of mobile phone is system which avoids harmful information on Internet for user. 54 percent people think that we don’t need it for us, but it is good idea for kids.
Last question is “What function do you want in your mobile phone?”. People have each opinion, but most opinion is Skype, high quality camera. Second is Infrared transmission, third is application, water proof, touch panel. In particular, we found that iPhone users have wanted water proof.
This is all. Thanks for your reading.
(530 words)
I enjoyed this group homework♡
返信削除I will write about this survey more(^^)
By the way, I closed my eyes!!!!(;_;) haha
返信削除Don't worry you are cute!
I'll red your auticle.
I couldn't see your presentation...
返信削除I was so sad :(
I wanna see your presentation:(
返信削除My presentation was very poor!
I want you yours too!
返信削除I want to listen your speech too!
i like your clothes when you wear at presentation!
返信削除Thanx your first comment!
Oh you like? It's the my newset cloth:)