Yesterday I took 20th anniversary photos at photo studio first. The studio locates at Kami-Suizenji. Actually, furisode, Japanese-style clothing, which I wear in this picture is my mam's one. This furisode was made with way-out and traditional way, it's called Sou-shibori in Japanese. First when I saw my mam's furisode, I was so disappointed the so old fashion pattern, but after I wore it, I fancied my furisode. I think that I want to conserve this furisode for my future daughter.
Current day, I had a little nervous because I am a photograph badly girl since olden days. I'm not good at girding myself in front of camera, but at photo studio, I didn't have nervous absolutely. Beauty staffs are good and friendly service, and I got along smoothly with camera man! I was took 300 photos! Unbelievable! (Average is over 40 under 100 photos.)
This studio's good point is that they give us all photos data as a free. If you want to go this studio, I can introduce and discount ticket! I was so satisfied the shooting. I appreciate to my parents. I post this studio's web page at bottom of this post.
Photo studio:
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