I read "The Hare and the Tortoise" as last book. I know this story in Japanese. In Japanese we call "Usagi to Kame". This story has 880 words and normal level I think. This story is from Aesop, so very famous story. You know turtle and rabbit contends running race. Of course rabbit is faster than turtle. But on the way rabbit slept. This story is added a little arrange. Rabbit's name is Harry and turtle's name is Tortoise. They works all day along at post office. The rabbit is famous runner but he is also luck pusher. The turtle is smart. I recommend you this story, if you know original Aesop story.
Mackinnon, Mairi. (2007). The Hare and the Tortoise [Usborne First Reading : Level Four]. London , England : Usborne Publishing Ltd.
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